Boosting Car Mileage (Tips)

Tuesday 29 July 2014
Hello Friends, welcome to Torque - The Automobile Show. Today in this post we will be sharing some useful tips by which one can boost his cars mileage.


Use less RPM: To improve your mileage it best to drive in the economy mode. Try to use less rpm.

Tyre Pressure: Its always best to check your tyre pressure in regular intervals. Apart from safety concern it also helps to boost your mileage.

Turn OFF Air-conditioner when not required: Turning your cars air-conditioners when not in need will add some extra mileage for your car.

Off engine at stop light/pit: Have a habit to stop the engine whenever you stop at and stop lights or while you are waiting.

Say NO to rash driving: You must drive car in a decent way. Rash driving will not only put your life in danger by inviting uninvited accident, but also your vehile will consume lot of gas.

Proper maintenance/servicing: Your vehicle should be properly maintain by getting serviced in regular intervals. Cleaning of parts like air filter, etc will help you to get proper mileage.

Tune-Up your Engine: You can tune your engine to increase the mileage of your vehicles. But beware, you tune up for mileage and not for power/performance.

Buy quality Fuel: Always put quality fuel/gas in your vehicle. No two fuels are the same, and while 'discount' brand fuel may save you a few cents, it can contain a higher percentage of ethanol, which burns at a faster rate. Compare the mileage between fuel companies and see what is best for your car. Try to use only one brand fuel for your car. 

Here are some easy to use tips to boost your cars mileage.

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